Work has also become difficult, it makes me hate that one needs money to survive. I WANT to spend every second with my Dad. I feel like I am wasting precious moments......HOLD ON A people still collect these??? Weird.
As I was saying...I feel like I am wasting precious moments I could be spending with my Dad. It goes back to all of this guilt storming through my body.
My work savior, (we shall call her Francis) and I don't really take breaks. But, we will email, talk about our day and write jokes. We are comedians. One day she said, "We are doing a Mad Lib off my Cheez It box.". Of course I accepted this challenge.
I didn't realize it would turn into an addiction. It was also the first thing that REALLY made me laugh in the longest time. I laughed HARD....cry and get all snotty hard, couldn't breath hard. When I look back at the Mad Libs now, I have one thing to say. I am 12 years old and I love it. Allow me to share the youthful excitement of these dirty and hilarious Mad Libs with you.
Personal Ad---
I enjoy long, smelly walks on the beach, getting smelled in the rain and serendipitous encounters with smells . I really like piƱa coladas mixed with wine, and romantic, candle-lit smells . I am well-read from Dr. Seuss to Smelly Smellerson . I travel frequently, especially to winery , when I am not busy with work. (I am a Wino .) I am looking for wine and beauty in the form of a Wino goddess. She should have the physique of Smella Smellason and the smelly wine of Winey McWinerson . I would prefer if she knew how to cook, clean, and wash my wines . I know I’m not very attractive in my picture, but it was taken sixty-wine days ago, and I have since become more fermente.
Today I went out of my fried rice to go SHITTING and was mobbed by a huge crowd of Cats wearing sweaters. I pooped to get out of there as fast as I could. I met up with Tyra Banks; host of America's Next Top Model and we went to eat at Taco Time. We left there and went to the DC ( as in Diet Coke) and saw something amazing. It was a large fruity Cheesy Gold Fish Cracker and we were in awe. Next, my 5 beers came up to me and asked for my autograph and I gladly did so. Tyra Banks; host of America's Next Top Model and I went to my CAMANO ISLAND!!! and had a sleepover. We ate Rolos and Rolos. We watched Junk Bucket and played FUCK'N PHASE 10. Photographers tried to take pictures of us, but my butt kept them away. We had lots of fun and we SHIT YOUR PIE HOLE all night long.
F your face cancer. I hate you so much.
I love you Dad....with all of my heart.
Here are some random pictures I love.....
Baby Scoates
Karate Scoates and Bro....karate kick'n cancer in the asshole!
I plan on doing Mad Libs with my Dad ASAP. It's too much fun. :)
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