Chemotherapy, most simply, is the treatment of an ailment by chemicals.
There are PAGES and PAGES of information my Dad has received. I have even heard that they don’t give you all of the info at first because there is SOOO much to learn.
My mom has 2 bags of medicine. One bag has what he has to take everyday. There are about 7 bottles of pills in this bag. The other bag has side effect management pills the, “if the scary chemo side effects happen, take these for help.” Pills. Those bottles are labeled by number and you have to take them in a certain order for them to work. It’s maddening. My mom is a superstar and has this completely under control. We basically have a desk in out living room, with all of the information. We have multiple three-ring binders, one for meds, one for DR’s notes, one for more information and reading materials.
I have learned that Chemotherapy really is a necessary evil. All the pain that it may inflict is happening to extend the life of my Dad.
Chemotherapy is designed to kill cancer cells. My Dad’s Chemo is being administered through a vein in his left arm.
It goes in his arm and disperses thorough out his body to destroying cancer cells. Unfortunately, the chemo cannot tell the difference between a cancer cell and some healthy cells. So it eliminates not only the fast-growing cancer cells but also other fast-growing cells in his body, including his hair and blood cells. My Dad has not lost his hair yet….but Jon Axell (love) bought him warm and cozy snow hats from H&M. He looks wonderful in them. I also have a plethora of wigs in my possession. Which, we will be wearing for comedic effect.
(Side note, My mom and I put up the Christmas tree the other night wearing wigs. Hilarious.)
Some cancer cells grow slowly while others grow rapidly. As a result, different types of chemotherapy drugs target the growth patterns of specific types of cancer cells. Each drug has a different way of working and is effective at a specific time in the life cycle of the cell it targets. My Dad had to skip a chemo treatment recently which is not great. He can’t miss anymore. He was too dehydrated and weak. The chemo they gave him was very aggressive. I know he thought “the side effects wont happen to me”. When they hit strong he was surprised. That is now what I am here for. To help him through it.
The most typical chemo side effects are low white blood cells, low red blood cells and low platelet counts. Also, hair loss, vomiting and fatigue.
All of these symptoms can be treated. Really, from what I have read, in the last few years, they almost have a medicine to help with every side effect. Chemo is becoming more “tolorable”. I hate saying that, because even at it's most tolerable it is still horrific. But, you have to know it is a fight. It will get worse before it gets better.
There is so much more I could talk about. Honestly the information is endless. All I want is my Dad not to hurt. But that is not an option. Positive vibes Daddio!!!! POSITIVE VIBES!!!!
I hate you cancer. You are so ugly and no one likes you!!! GO AWAY CANCER!!! F YOUR FACE. I got you a present.....
Love you so much Dad! You are strong and wonderful and the most amazing man I have ever met.
I love you Daddio!
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