Thursday, June 9, 2011

Donut, donut, donut, donuts on a rope.

This is my Poppa during chemo. We thought we saw an alien. He was looking out the window to see if it really was an alien. In the middle of the day :)

They had given him steroids this day and he was SO hyper. It was the best.

He was also teaching me about planes.

He has this need to teach me something every time we see each other.I love it. It's new to our relationship and I accept it with open arms.

This day he taught me about "donuts on a rope". SUPER FAST PLANES

Love you Papa!!! With all of my heart.

F-you cancer. You are lame.

Pictures I like that have nothing to do with stupid cancer.

The fact that Teddy Roosevelt and Ron Swanson are identical. I believe that they may be the same person.

 This dog. I don't need to explain it. This dog is amazing.

I love them both. They make me laugh and giggle with happiness. I feel like this symbolizes many relationships in my life.

This baby is the sweetest baby. I don't know this baby....but I want to chase him and pick him up.

Love you Daddio.