Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So....Cancer sucks.

It's been so long since I have updated. I can only blame the stupidness of cancer. 

We just got my Dad's bone scans and CT scans back. No good news. I actually can't physically read them. My brain makes everything blurry. This has been happening to me a lot lately. My Mom, or a DR will talk to me and I then float out of my body and can't hear them. It's like the adults in the Peanuts cartoon. It's also one of the only times in my life I have really recognized my inner dialogue. Talking to myself whilst something else is going on. Very Weird.

 Sentences I have read lately and hate.....

Interval progression of metastatic disease now involving skull with multiple new foci of uptake in skull, sternum, bilateral scapulae and clavicles (new foci of uptake in left scapula), spine, sacrum, bilateral ribs (new focus of uptake noted in right posterior 11th rib), pelvis, bilateral femurs and humeri."

"Interval progression of multifunctional bony  metastatic disease involving axial and appendicular skeleton. Lesions in long bones (femurs and humeri) ma predispose patient to potential pathologic fratures."

F YOU CANCER. You are the worst ever.

Love you so much Dad.

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